Submit to Sibylline Press Digital First Imprint!

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Sibylline Press is growing and we want your brilliant book. In November 2024, Sibylline Press introduces Sibylline Digital First, an ebook-first imprint we’ve launched to showcase even more brilliant work from women of a certain age. The opportunity to reach bigger audiences of readers can be found in publishing ebooks as demand for this format increases. 

Our mission is to publish the brilliant work of women authors over 50, work that is often overlooked in the industry. We currently publish fiction and memoir. In the category of fiction, we welcome submissions that include contemporary or literary fiction, mystery, romance, historical fiction, fantasy, and adventure. We welcome well written memoir with original stories. 

Sibylline’s commitment to its authors is unparalleled. After our acquisitions team accepts your manuscript, we want you engaged in our processes. That includes requesting your input on book covers, marketing plans, and more.  Every season has an author cohort who meets with the Sibylline team to receive status reports and support as together we strive to drive sales and promotion. Your sister group of Sibyls provide further connection and outreach. 


If your book is ready for publication, please submit through our author portal today. 

Find more information about submissions here

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